Supercomputer "Fugaku"

Hyogo, Japan

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Supporting supercomputer evolution, from "K" to "Fugaku"

Planned as the successor to the iconic “K” supercomputer – certified as the world’s fastest in 2011 -- the Fugaku supercomputer boasts 100 times K’s application performance.
After designing the building and facilities that housed the K, Nikken Sekkei assisted in the design of enhancements for the Fugaku, which was installed in the K’s 50m x 60m room following the former’s 2019 retirement. The architectural, mechanical, and electrical systems were upgraded to match the new unit’s enhanced capacity.
Cooling coils are employed to quickly dissipate the heat generated by the rapid fluctuations in power consumption common in supercomputer CPUs. The operation and control methods of heat sources, along with cooling water circulation, were simulated. While the Fugaku consumes twice as much power as the K, its performance is about 40 times faster.
The overall building is a hub for simulation science; research and development facilities are planned to support the supercomputer. The Fugaku unit has seen success in academic research as well in the industrial world in the development of materials and new drugs. It is expected to play a major role in the search for new coronavirus vaccines.
CLIENT RIKEN Center for Computational Science
LOCATION Hyogo, Japan
SITE AREA 20,000.01 sq.m.
TOTAL FLOOR AREA 22,640.72 sq.m.
COMPLETION 2010, 2020 (Renovation)

SS Co., Ltd.

SS Co., Ltd.


Kazuo Natori [Studio Natori]

Courtesy RIKEN Center

Kazuo Natori [Studio Natori]

Kazuo Natori [Studio Natori]

Kazuo Natori [Studio Natori]


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